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  • Baron Paints
  • Baron Paints
  • Baron Paints
  • Baron Paints

Zinc Phosphate Primer Surfacer Red Orange

Zinc Phosphate Primer Surfacer Red is based on high quality synthetic resin. It gives good adhesion and corrosion resistant coating and features better filling qualities and so should be used when trying to build film thickness.

Finish - Smooth
Uses - Can be used on both exterior and interior walls
Cost Range - Premium
Gloss Smooth
Consistency Suitable for brushing
Thinner Recommended General Purpose Thinner
Substrate Metal
Method Brush, Roller, Spray
System After pretreatment or phosphating apply Zinc Phosphate Primer Surfacer Red.
For best results Dry Film Thickness (DFT) should be 24 to 30 μ.
Application Viscosity For Brushing: Supplied at suitable for brushing viscosity. If required upto 2% of Mineral Turpentine may be added.
For Spraying: Thin down with Mineral Turpentine to 30 - 40 sec. by F/C No. 4 @ 30°C.
Drying Surface Drying: 1 hour
Hard Drying:6 to 8 hours
Recotability: Overnight
Supply Viscosity 90 ± 10 sec. by F/C No. 4 @ 30°C
Coverage 14 - 16 sq.mtrs/lit./coat as per IS 101
Grinding 5+ on Hegmann guage
Flash Point:>32°C

Available in packs of:

  • 20 ltr

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